de-program your mind and
think freely.
r3b3l: de-program your mind from media & think freely.
Creativity is the *greatest act of rebellion.*
r3b3l is here to help you:
decrease screen times
manage stress better
de-stress your social media news feeds
de-clutter your social media news feeds
spend more time with loved ones
spend your time & energy more productively
and more...
Straight Up Facts.
Learn a few technology & social media facts.
Sources: NIH Social Media Use and Its Connection to Mental Health
NIH Social Media Use and Mental Health: A Global Analysis
A new study found that individuals who are involved in social media, games, texts, mobile phones, etc. are more likely to experience depression.
More importantly, symptoms of major depression have been found among the individuals who spent most of their time in online activities and performing image management on social networking sites.
Passive social media use (reading posts) is more strongly associated with depression than active use (making posts).
Twitter (𝕏) has been used to raise awareness about many different mental health issues and to help individuals connect and feel that they are not alone.
Instagram may be a contributing factor in causing body image and self-harm issues in young people.
Furthermore, social media can create a lot of pressure to create the stereotype that others want to see and also being as popular as others.
How ya doin?
Pull out your phone, if you're feeling up to it. Check your screen time for the week. Are you happy with the numbers? How much could you have accomplished if the time in your screen time this week had been applied to a skill or hobby instead?
Binge or chill?
What was the last thing you binge-watched? Ready? Same question: if the hours spent binge-watching had been placed towards spending time with loved ones or working on a skill/hobby - what do you think you could have accomplished instead?
Does your news feed upset you?
Me too. Why are we giving these d*mn things so much power over our lives and livelihoods? Let's work on making your news feed a better place to be - and a place where the least amount of time is spent. At the end of the day, you're the human. It is the inanimate object. It listens to you. Not the other way around.
14 Weeks to a Happier, Less Stressed You.
Week 1: Intro
Week 2: How’s your screen time look? Turn it on if you don’t have it turned on already. How do you feel about it? Was it a healthy use of your life?
Week 3: Process, stress management, set goals, find new activities
Week 4: Train your algorithms on streaming services
Week 5: Train your algorithms on 2+ social platforms of your choice
Week 6: Continue with aiming toward screen time goals, but be flexible with yourself - watch your algorithms closely
Week 7: Same as Week 6
Week 8: Continue training your algorithms as you pursue your new activities more, and visit the program for stress management when needed
Week 9: Connecting with people in person
Week 10: Connecting with nature & animals
Week 11: Connecting with new activities
Week 12: Progress check – how’s your screen time? Are your algorithms different? How different are they? Do you feel different, and if so, how?
Weeks 13 & 14+ : Recap it all, join discussion groups, collab & support with others