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  • Where do you get all of the information in Ad Cor from?
    Great question. All information within Ad Cor programs originates from various reputable sources - as well as from directly unique past experiences. Some sources you'll see cited in Ad Cor programs include, but are not limited to: *Psychology - UNI (2011) *National Institute of Health (NIH) *Various Universities/Colleges *Centers for Disease Control (CDC) *and more
  • Are the prices final?
    Pricing is subject to change. Please stay tuned for more to come!
  • Why are there so many different programs?
    Most people need that level of focus/dedication to making one lifestyle change at a time. It'd be a lot to change your eating, drinking, shopping, and media habits all simultaneously. Take this entirely life-changing transformational journey one leap at a time - at your own pace. To Learn More about Ad Cor's ongoing development and future plans, click below.
  • What kind of results can I expect to see from Ad Cor's programs?
    Your input = your output. Your results will be based on how much you are willing to change as you go through each program. Here are the general results you should expect to see by spending 3-6 months with an Ad Cor program:
  • What is Ad Cor?
    Ad Cor is the space for complete and total life-changing transformation. Ad Cor's self-guided, self-paced online transformational guidance programs vary, with topics including: healthier & more wholesome eating habits (Nomnomaste,) responsible & wise alcohol consumption (Winds of Life - a future non-profit development,) healthy screen/device habits (r3b3l,) and life hacks for smart spending (Trendi$pender.) Ad Cor programs range from 12-14+ weeks in length, but with no deadlines to meet, can be stretched out as long as you'd like. It's your journey - take it one day at a time.
  • Does Ad Cor utilize AI?
    Only to enhance - never to replace. Meaning, AI is minimally used at Ad Cor, and is intended to be used in times where I can't be reached. Self-guided course content is pre-recorded and pre-written by Meegan.
  • How do I get signed up?
    Glad you're excited to begin! Course content is currently being built, so hang in there with me. Funding the technology behind the course build is *a vital key* to being able to fully make these programs available. Know a great business owner who might want to help, in exchange for their logo & website featured as a preferred partner? Or, know a great business owner/person who'd like to support in another way? Let's connect!
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